Life is made up of a series of paths taking us from one place to another. As we meander through this life, these paths sometimes join others and others sometimes join ours. Some people remain on our path for a lifetime while different people pop in and pop out, and still others may join for a while and then leave all together.
Along the way certain people who cross your path become special, and such is the case with my friend Doug. Old Doug from BC, he calls himself. Some of you may remember a post we wrote for his wife, Miss Marie, when she was in the hospital last October struggling with some heart issues. Doug and her family nursed her through, and though it was a long haul she made it home and returned to the kitchen.
Shortly after starting Liv Life, Doug emailed me with a glowing review of a recipe I had posted and sent along some recipes that he thought I might enjoy. Over the months he's emailed numerous times updating me on his and Marie's latest cooking ventures and occasionally sending photos of their finished products. Marie is quite the bread baker.
I've heard about new births, grand children's dance competitions (he has 9 great grand children!) and birthdays. In addition I've enjoyed reading about Doug's days in the Royal Canadian Air Force where he spent some time as a photographer as well as some of his travels which have taken him around the world. Through our email exchanges his love for his Marie is abundantly evident, and I take joy in reading the love that comes from his heart. I'm thankful that Doug's path has crossed mine even if it has only been by email. He has brought a smile to my face time and again and has encouraged me to "Liv Life".
Continuing on our paths of life, we all eventually find an end. Hopefully we have lived full lives when we reach that point, but I'm certain that coming upon that point is never easy. My friend Old Doug is facing that point.
Earlier this year he wrote to tell me that he and Miss Marie had spent their last Christmas together (they spent it alone, refusing all invitations and enjoyed a beautiful roast chicken together). He was now living with an air machine to help him breathe and the doctors had delivered that never welcome news that they could not cure him. Miss Marie had taken over all of the cooking, though Doug mentioned that he did still make suggestions and he confided that Miss Marie "usually" followed them.
A few weeks ago I received an email from Doug's daughter letting me know that my friend was in the hospital and would most likely not return home. But last night I received an email from Doug himself! He's hanging in there, but says he's not in good shape and he wanted to send me his best wishes.
My dear Doug... we are sending our best wishes back to you along with hugs from Liv and me. Thank you for crossing my path.
Strawberry Ebelskivers for Doug
As I read Doug's email last night, Liv said, "We should make him something!". She immediately suggested the Strawberry Ebelskivers that we have enjoyed the day prior as she said they "Always make me happy, and I think he could use some happy.". Sweet and filled with strawberry goodness, these little round pancakes do just that. My dear Doug... these are for you.Adapted from Ebelskivers: Danish-Style Filled Pancakes
Vanilla Batter
Add the flours, sugar, baking powder and salt. Whisk lightly to combine.
In a small bowl lightly whisk the egg yolks and then add the milk, melted butter and vanilla. Whisk to combine. Add the egg mixture to the dry ingredients and stir until blended. Batter will be lumpy.
In a small bowl whisk the egg whites until stiff, but not dry peaks form (may use an electric mixer, but we suggest a good ole whisk!). Fold about 1/3 of the beaten egg whites into the batter and then fold the rest in just until no white streaks remain. Use the batter right away.
Cook ebelskivers in an ebleskiver pan
Liv Life Note: Liv says these are best served with LOTS of powdered sugar as well as a good dose of maple syrup.
Miss Marie & Doug |
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