"Cooking and baking were important to Victoria--she loved to create her own masterpieces. She and her children would make cookies on Monday nights and take them to families in her neighborhood. She loved making holidays special for her family, and good food was always at the heart of these celebrations."
So this brings us to a really great recipe "Corinne's Rolls"shared by Claudia, one of the sales reps. It's become a family favorite! I used this dough to make cinnamon rolls on Christmas morning last year and these rolls show up regularly over the holidays. Let me know how they work out for you!

Corinne's Rolls2 packages of yeast or 2 heaping T1/2 C warm water (sprinkle of sugar)1 C (2 sticks) butter1 C Sugar1 1/2 milk (scalded)2 t Salt6 eggs (beaten)8 C All Purpose Flour (I replaced 2C with Whole Wheat Pastry Flour)
Add yeast to warm water and add a sprinkle of sugar. Set aside. In a pan combine the milk, butter, sugar and salt then cool to lukewarm. Add yeast to mixture and mix well. Add beaten eggs and flour to create a smooth soft dough. Knead and place in greased bowl. Cover and let raise 1 1/2 hours until double. Divide the dough in half. With first half, roll dough into a large circle. Brush melted butter onto the dough. Cut dough with a pizza cutter into 16 triangular "pizza" slices. Roll each piece from the large end to the small. Same with second half of dough. Let rise on baking sheet for 1 hour. Bake at 350 degrees for approximately 15 minutes. Brush with butter. The dough freezes well. Yield 32 crescent rolls.
*Before rolling the rolls, I stretched the top of the cutout triangle (the wide end) to get more dough on the outside ends to better curve the rolls into the crescent shape.
Recipe Source: Table Scraps, A Collection of Our Favorite Recipes, Corrine's Rolls shared by Claudia Mann, pg. 91
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