Liv and her brother - 2001 |
My Dad has repeated these words over and over since I was little myself, and the older I get, the more I come to understand exactly what he means. Here it is Halloween night, a night we used to look forward to for weeks. We would decorate the house, make multiple visits to pumpkin patches, and spend days planning out our pumpkin carvings. Then on the afternoon of Halloween Day, we'd cover the kitchen table and let the scooping begin.
As dusk set, the costuming would begin. Visions of Darth Vader and Buzz Lightyear still fill my memories, along with a few princesses thrown in along the way. With my visiting mom at the door, our family would head out into the neighborhood together, the kids running ahead as us parents stayed back to chat with neighbors we really didn't see all that often. Mr. Passini would always have a cold beer for my husband with a comment of, "I'll bet your in need of one of these!" as he pressed it into my husband's eager hand.
Today, I sit here all by myself, glass of wine in hand along with a handful of freshly roasted pumpkin seeds. My mom didn't make here this year, she's home with a cold. My son? Well he's too old for trick or treating. He left around 6 when a girl picked him up in her car. Off to a teenage party they went, along with a promise to "Make Good Choices" and an agreement to be home by 10.
Liv had a couple of girlfriends over, and I loved hearing them chatter as they put on their make up and costumes, and I was more than thrilled when they asked if I could help them put on their false eyelashes. Then before I knew it, they shot out the door with a, "See you at 9:00, Mom!" and they were gone.
Halloween 2012... |
Dad was right. Enjoy every moment because before you know it they will be all grown up...
Roasted Pumpkin Seeds
Pumpkin seeds from one pumpkin, washed and cleaned of "strings"olive oilsalt
Preheat oven to 350ºF.
Dry the pumpkin seeds and drizzle with about 2 Tbs of olive oil. Sprinkle with salt and give a good mix with your hands.
Spread onto a baking sheet sprayed with cooking spray or alternatively, lined with a silicone mat.
Bake for about 30 minutes, or until lightly browned. Remove from oven, cool and store in an airtight container for about a week.
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